What kind of service is the PartySplitter?

If you’re planning to host a party or organize an event, you may have questions like: how do I know for sure that there will be enough guests?, how can I invite my guests in an original way?, what do I need to arrange and what will it cost? etc.

The PartySplitter helps you taking inventory of your guests, sending professional invitations and offers the possibility to allow guests to invite their friends to your party.

With the PartySplitter you know exactly who will come to your party so you can also estimate the budget really well with our budget calculator.

How exactly does the PartySplitter work?

If you want to start using PartySplitter you need to make an account. After that you can login to your personal account and create a new party/event. Then you add people to your guest list. These people will receive an email from PartySplitter in which they can accept or decline the invitation with a single mouse click.

The budget calculator keeps the costs of your party clear and with our task list you know at all times what still needs to be done for the organization of your event.

I created an account but I haven’t received an activation email?

After creating an account you should receive an activation email within 2 minutes.
It is possible that this email ends up in your junk mail folder, so you could check that. (This folder is also called ‘spam’ sometimes.)

What is a private party?

A private party is, as the name suggests, private. That means that you decide who can come to the party. The party thus has a closed character. In contrast with public parties, in which you could allow your guests to invite their friends too. Typical examples of a private party are family events or birthday parties.

What is a public party?

A public party is, as the name suggests, open to public. You start by inviting a list of guests, but they are allowed to invite their friends too. If you organize a public party, you can set the maximum number of guests. The party is ‘full’ when that maximum is reached. This type of party has an open character and the number of guests is generally higher than at private parties. Typical examples of public parties are theme parties in night clubs, dance parties or New Year celebrations.

My guest hasn’t received the invitation email?

Ask your guest to check his junk mail (spam) folder. Sometimes our emails end up there. If this is not the case, go to your guest list and click the envelope icon (resend invitation). Then go to ‘invitations’ and resend the invitation to this guest.

I want to send a message to my guests, but I don’t see any selectable guests under ‘Messages’?

You can only send messages to guests that have accepted your invitation. This means that, as long as nobody has responded positively yet, there won’t be any selectable guests to send messages to.

I added all my guests and sent the invitations. But I forgot someone!

No problem. Simply add the persons details to the guest list, go to ‘invitations’ and send the invitation to that person only.

What can I expect from PartySplitter in the near future?

We are currently working on a new tool for the PartySplitter, called the ‘Interest checker’. As the name suggests, this tool would allow you to check whether your future guests are interested in a certain party idea, or have them choose their favorite of multiple ideas.

It will also be possible to have your guests choose from multiple dates, so you can pick the date at which most of your guests are available.

There will also be some kind of company guide, so you can easily select external parties to take care of part of the organization.

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