Valentine’s Day party is a perfect occasion for celebrating your love with your friends. If you are planning for a blast on the eve of next Valentine’s Day where you will enjoy with a number of couples, you must have some unique Valentine’s Day Party Ideas to make it a memorable one for your friends as well as your beloved.

If you look for freedom of social gathering with your girlfriend/ boyfriend, Valentine’s Day will give you the best opportunity. So make it special in your own way with some special Valentine’s Day Party Ideas. Let us see what makes your party different:

Make it a theme party:
Theme parties are always full of fun as well as unity. For a Valentine party you can select color based themes. Red or pink, being considered as the color of love, can be the ideal color of costume code in your party. You can also make such costume party more attractive if you request your guests in the invitation to dress like historical or literary couples like Romeo-Juliette, Antony-Cleopatra, Othello-Desdemona, etc. or hot Hollywood celebrities and characters like Rose-Jack in Titanic, Bella-Edward in Twilight. Your guests must accept your  Valentine’s Day Party Ideas heartily and do not miss the opportunity to see his/her spouse in a different, fairy tale look.  

Venue decoration:
After selecting a venue with convenient space you have to pay attention on your decoration arrangements. Apart from hotel ball rooms or restaurants you can arrange this party at your lawn or garden. For decorating purpose all loves to use red roses and other red flowers, balloons, ribbons etc. If you want to do something innovative by adding some newness to these common decorations, you can prepare banners with love quotes and verses from famous love poems written on them and place them from the entrance to the inside of your party place.

Party time activities:
Arrangement of music and couple dances are must in Valentine’s Day Party. But, for having a memorable party you must concentrate most on designing some interesting activities among all the Valentine’s Day Party Ideas. You can design some games where the invited couples will participate and win prizes. You can involve them in games where each couple will ask and answer questions about each other, or participate in things identification puzzles. Your guests are bound to enjoy these games as they will check one’s intensity of love for another.  Besides this, you can announce the best couple and reward them if it is a costume based theme party. Apart from games, you can invite the couples to select randomly a folded paper which tells them to describe a topic related to their personal thoughts, such as the time when they met first, or the incident of proposing. These will not only make you to share your friends’ sweet love-stories but also make many of you nostalgic!

What’s special in your party :
If you are to throw a unique Valentine party and do not want any of your friends to regret then start fascinating them from the very first step of your Valentine’s Day Party Ideas, that is invitation card. Select or order your invitation card which bear significant marks of Valentine’s Day, such as Cupid’s bow and arrow or picture of celebrated couple or heart shapes, which are most common. You can make a good use of these Valentine signs also on your decoration, such as building a Cupid’s statue with flowers. It would create fun in your guests if you use them on your food items, like bringing heart shaped large cake and small cookies and candies. You can also use 2-3 words love quotes on your ordered items like candies, cookies, or table-napkins. 

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